Thanks to the fans who made the trip to Yankton to cheer on the track athletes!

The track meet is rolling. The Broncos are competing against 42 other schools from Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota.

The Mount Marty indoor track meet has started. The livestream for the meet is https://www.gpacnetwork.com/mountmarty/?B=2311312

Remaining JH students went on a nature scavenger hunt and wrote about items they observed.

Wednesday, March 26 ~ State Speech Send Off

Thursday, March 27~~ Activities

Thursday, March 27~~ Breakfast & Lunch

The Broncos took 3rd in the NVC Quiz Bowl competition. Eight extra toss-up questions were needed to break the tie, keeping us from the championship match.

Here is the State Speech schedule!

There is no livestream for State Speech! You can watch on Nebraska Public Media!

Stuart competes at State Speech on Friday, March 28th! Good luck!

Activities for Friday, March 28th.

Friday, March 28th Menu

The Library Selection committee was hard at work today selecting the top 16 books for the Book Bracket Challenge. Pairings will be out soon as faculty, staff and students will vote to see which books will advance.

Wednesday, March 26

Wednesday, March 26 ~ Breakfast and Lunch

Tuesday, March 25th Menu

Tuesday, March 25th Activities

Medalists up to this point at WSC invite. Kayde Ramm 2nd in 60 meter dash, Addison Steinhauser 3rd in high jump and boys 3200 relay second.

The eighth graders enjoyed sorting and graphing M&Ms. The consensus was that the candy is randomly packed since each package contains a different percentage of each color. The best part was eating the candy!